perm filename PRO[1,DBL] blob sn#064615 filedate 1973-10-01 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

00200	     This protocol will be structured around the flow through the PUP
00300	system.  Thus it will appear very similar to the ultimate QLISP-type
00400	trace.  Function names appear as CAPITALS, and comments are in normal
00500	lower case.  Indentation corresponds to function call depth; two spaces
00600	for each level.  
00800	SERVE
00900	This function is the starting point of the PUP system.  Its name reflects
01000	the fundamental drive of any puppy: to serve its master. Serve sees that
01100	nothing is being done, and calls OBTAIN:USABLE:INFORMATION repeatedly,
01200	until the latter returns something which can be considered a task.
01500	  This function decides which of TRANSLATE, GET:NEW:INFORMATION,
01700	to attempt in the present situation.  It affects this by calling CHOOSEFROM.
01900	    CHOOSEFROM
02000	    This function evaluates each possibility and picks the best one.
02100	It knows that when choosing among functions, we should examine the
02200	"when" part of each function description, to see how relevant it is.
02300	If some functions tie for tops here, we see how hard it would be to
02400	satisfy each's preconditions.  If we still have a conflict, we pick
02500	the function easiest to implement usually.
02600	In our present vacuous situation, only GET:NEW:INFORMATION is relevant.
02900	      This requires, as a precondition, that PUP know the specifics of
03000	what new information it wants.
03200	        SPECIFICS
03300	        In our present case, this function is trivial, since PUP merely
03400	wants any type of command.
03500	        end of SPECIFICS
03700	      Now GET:NEW:INFORMATION continues. It asks that a message be
03800	printed to the user, informing him of the specifics of what is wanted.
04000	        MESSAGE
04100	        Prints out something like "PUP:  I want any task"
04200	        end of MESSAGE
04400	      Pup now reads in what info. was requested.  Assertions, to the
04500	effect that we have some new information, are made.
04600	      end of GET:NEW:INFORMATION
04800	    end of CHOOSE:FROM
05200	We are now back in Serve.  Suppose the user has typed in:
05300	"Write a program which does concept formation"
05400	This is our new information. We test to see if it is executable;
05500	that is, whether ∃ function named WRITE which can meaningfully
05600	take the six arguments a, program, which, does, concept, formation.
05700	This of course fails, so we repeat OBTAIN:USABLE:INFORMATION.
06000	  Once again, we choose from the four possible functions.
06200	    CHOOSE:FROM
06300	    Since new information exists, GET:NEW:INFORMATION is no longer
06400	the ideal choice.  This time, TRANSLATE wins.
06600	      TRANSLATE
06700	      This is accomplished by breaking the info. up into a few pieces,
06800	and looking each piece up in our dictionary.  If it were done in a
06900	better way, I would call it parsing.  The crude mechanism is to
07000	backtrack until we succeed or else until all possible break-ups have
07100	been tried.
07300	        PARSE
07400	        This (eventually) breaks the info. into
07500	(write a program which does) (concept formation).
07600	        end of PARSE
07800	        LOOKUP
07900	        Recognizes (write a program which does) as a call to the
08000	known system function WRITE:PROGRAM.
08100	        end of LOOKUP
08300	        LOOKUP
08400	        Recognizes (concept formation) as the subject CONCEPT:FORMATION.
08500	For uniformity, all topics are built in as procedures. So this is just
08600	a call to the function called CONCEPT:FORMATION.
08700	        end of LOOKUP
08900	      Translate now examines EXTRACT:RELEVANT:SUBSET, to see whether
09000	or not to apply that function to the translated information.  But this
09100	isn't applicable unless the information is very large in size, which
09200	it is not.  As a post-requisite, Translate sees whether the translated
09300	information is usable as it is. If not, it may call itself recursively.
09400	But (WRITE:PROGRAM (CONCEPT:FORMATION)) is usable, so we are done.
09500	      end of TRANSLATE
09700	    end of CHOOSE:FROM
10100	Serve again examines the information.  This time, it is executable,
10200	so its final action is to execute the information.
10500	  This function is now called, with the task it is to do (its argument)
10600	set to CONCEPT:FORMATION.  We check that the ability to do the task does
10700	not already exist.  Then we get the name the user wishes to call the
10800	program.
11000	    GET:NAME
11100	    The first step, since PUP is smart, is to generate a set of plausible
11200	names for the task.
11500	      From CONCEPT:FORMATION we generate the plausible names
11600	using initials, mainwords, firstfew,  and  compositions of the
11700	preceding. In this case:  CF, C, CONCEPT:FORMATION, CONCEPT.
11800	Next we eliminate all previously-known identifiers from this list.
11900	Say CONCEPT:FORMATION is in our dictionary, and C is a known constant.
12000	We thus return the two names CF and CONCEPT.
12100	      end of PLAUSIBLE:NAMES
12300	    The second precondition for GET:NAME is that the user be aware of
12400	the plausible names for the task.  PUP searches its list of functions
12500	for one which makes the user aware of some given fact.
12700	      MESSAGE
12800	      We print something like "The plausible names for the task
13000	      end of MESSAGE
13200	    Pup now begins to execute GET:NAME proper.  First a note is printed.
13400	      MESSAGE
13500	      Prints "What does user wish to call the task (CONCEPT:FORMATION)?"
13600	      end of MESSAGE
13800	    Next GET:NAME reads in the user's reply.  Say the user types
13900	"CF".  We then assert that PUP and the user may now refer to the
14000	task as CF.  That is, the name of the program PUP is going to write
14100	is CF.
14200	    end of GET:NAME
14400	  The next prerequisite of WRITE:PROGRAM is now satisfied:
14600	    MESSAGE
14700	    Prints "PUP: I am ready to begin to write CF program to do
14900	    end of MESSAGE
15100	  The final prerequisite to WRITE:PROGRAM is that Pup investigate
15200	the type of the task. In this case, we must see what types of concept
15300	formation there are, and how -- and when -- we decide the particular
15400	type(s) the user wants CF to handle.
15600	    TYPE
15700	    In the dictionary, under CONCEPT:FORMATION, there is a category
15800	of facts about type.  To preserve uniformity, these are structured as
15900	a set of procedural decisions.  This is perhaps equivalent to a 
16000	discrimination net.  Each decision which must (eventually) be made is
16100	asserted as such.  Effects, and when the decision must be made, are
16200	provided for most of these.  The list we find is something like:
16300	(1) Concept formation can be done at one of three levels of sophistocation:
16400	    (a) Classificatory
16500	    (b) Comparitive
16600	    (c) Metrical
16800	(2) Concepts may vary with time
16900	    Affected: The basic structure of forming a concept
17100	(3) Concept formation may be dependent upon the speed of presentation
17200	    of stimuli.
17300	    Affected: Amount of effort expended on identification of stimulus.
17500	(4) Instances may be left in view indefinitely or removed after processing.
17600	    Affected: Whether new relations can be derived as needed, or
17700	              all relations must be derived upon initial exposure to
17800	              the stimulus.
17900	    When: Before deciding firmly how to get relations from input stimulus.
18100	(5) Logical complexity of the correct concept specification may vary,
18200	    from purely conjunctive concepts to purely disjunctive concepts
18300	    to mixed expressions.
18400	    Affected: How we store the description of a concept.
18600	(6) Positive transfer, negative transfer, neither, or both,   
18700	    may be present.
18800	    Affected: How previous concepts learned and previous stimuli effect
18900	              learning of new concept and recognition that it is new.
19000	    When: Before we decide firmly how to search through our set of concepts
19100	           and before we decide firmly how to insert a new concept into our
19200	           set of concepts.
19400	(7) Positive instances, negative instances, or both  may be present.
19500	    Affected: Whether to use {positive, negative} information to modify
19600	              the description of a concept.
19800	(8) Subject-specific behavior may be required.
19900	    Affected:  Parameters describing an individual must be read in.
20000	    When:  Before any processing routines are finalized.
20100	    Why: Any processing routine might have to depend upon some parameters.
20300	(9) Precise types of desired subject responses must be decided.
20400	    Affected: Output variables, output format.
20600	  Co-requisite with the writing of the program, a new context is
20700	created, and named WRITE:CF:PROGRAM.
20800	The main part of WRITE:PROGRAM begins.  We repeatedly do the
20900	following: pick the best function from {OBTAIN:USABLE:INFORMATION,
21100	FIX:INCORRECT:PIECE}  and execute it.  Repeatedly means `until done'
21200	which in this case means until the assertion (COMPLETED CF) exists.
21300	The heart of `repeatedly' is just a loop continually calling CHOOSE:FROM.
21500	    REPEATEDLY
21600	    (CHOOSE:FROM)
21700	    In our current situation, usable new information is present.  We
21800	have no need for more of it yet, and we have no undefined, improbable,
21900	or incorrect pieces of code, since no code has even been generated yet.
22000	So our choice is easy.
22300	      Again, this function merely chooses the best function from a set
22400	and then executes it.  In this case the possibilities are
22600	CHOOSE:ALGORITHM, ENCODE, COMMENT}.  Each will be used eventually, so
22700	don't worry now about all of them.  Pup is happiest about deferring,
22800	and it finds several decisions exist already.  The way is clear.
23000	      DEFER:DECISION
23100	      As a precondition, Pup must have some knowledge of when we must
23200	next reinvestigate this decision.  Some of the decisions which were
23300	set up by deciding that the task was CONCEPT:FORMATION have explicit
23400	information regarding when they must be made. Most of the decisions'
23500	when parts can be trivially obtained by prefacing the Affected part
23600	by the word "BEFORE", and following it by the words "IS FIRMLY DECIDED".
23700	The remainder of the decisions require some use of programming knowledge
23800	and concept formation knowledge to decide when they can be deferred to.
23900	When a decision can no longer be deferred (either because it actually
24000	must be made now, or because the system isn't smart enough to figure out
24100	how long it can put it off)  the decision is actually made.  This will
24200	usually require asking the user, but sometimes knowledge gleaned in the
24300	preceding activity will settle the decision.  This is the whole motivation
24400	for trying to defer a decision as long as possible.
24500	Okay; now we get down to details.  Suppose this call to DEFER:DECISION
24600	we are trying to stall decision (1), that is, whether the level of
24700	concept formation is classificatory, comparitive, or metrical.
24800	No when part is provided; in fact, no affected part is provided.
24900	At this point, the prerequisite of DEFER:DECISION sets up the subgoal
25000	that Pup find out when (that is, in what situation) it must next
25100	reinvestigate this decision.
25300	        WHEN:NEXT
25400	        The prerequisite of knowing when next to worry about the decision
25500	is to understand the effects of (the alternatives of) the decision.
25600	In our case, we identify the alternatives as the three levels.  Each of
25700	these is a separate entry in our dictionary, hence a known function.
25800	Understanding the effects means retrieving the effects part of each.
25900	For CLASSIFICATORY:CONCEPT:FORMATION this is something like
26000	  "partition a domain".
26200	  "partition a domain, then linearly order the equivalence classes".
26300	For METRICAL:CONCEPT:FORMATION this is something like
26400	  "partition a domain, then linearly order the equivalence classes,
26500	   then define a meaningful way of joining elements of the domain,
26600	   then determine an absolute scale on the domain that satisfies:
26700	   the scale values of two elements is equal iff they are in the same
26800	   class;  the scale value of one element is less than the scale
26900	   value of a second iff the class of the first is less than the class
27000	   of the second according to the linear ordering of classes; the
27100	   scale value of the join of two elements equals the sum of the scale
27200	   values of the two elements".
27400	Now that Pup understands the effects of the alternatives, it begins
27500	to execute WHEN:NEXT proper.  This is merely a call to use programming
27600	knowledge about decision-deferring, applied to the effects, to determine
27700	the situation when Pup must differentiate between the alternatives.
27900	One piece of programming knowledge says that "if we must decide
28000	between alternatives in set X, then we may defer the decision until
28100	after accomplishing (SETINTERSECTION (MAPCAR X PROCEDURE)), that is,
28200	until after we have done the things that must be done regardless of
28300	the outcome of the decision.
28400	In our case, we find we can apply this bit of knowledge; it tells us
28500	to first get "partition a domain" completed, then worry about what
28600	level CF must handle.  We examine the piece of advice more extensively
28700	now, and see it has a suggestion: code the current task now, with
28800	the set-intersection as one subfunction call.  Later, other parts
28900	of the set-union of the effects may have to be added, and we can make
29000	a note of that right now.
29100	Pup thus gets the next situation to worry about level: when 
29200	(partition a domain) has been completed.
29300	        end of WHEN:NEXT
29500	      We now execute the main part of DEFER:DECISION, which is to
29600	demonize that situation.  We assume that demonizing is primitive.
29700	      end of DEFER:DECISION